This Episode: Building A Culture Of Psychological Safety
Lucinda talks about psychological safety – why it is so important as a topic in this hybrid working environment, and what we can do in order to ensure its existence in our own organisations.
Key Takeaways
- The definition of psychological safety is being able to show and employ one’s self without the fear of negative consequences in terms of self-image, status or career.
- The main difference between psychological safety and trust is that psychological safety is about our beliefs around the group norms. Trust is about the beliefs we have about one another.
- Psychological safety can also boost employee engagement. This is because people feel more valued and buy into the culture more, therefore are willing to go the extra mile in terms of productivity.
- In the hybrid world, it is far harder to reach out when we feel that our knowledge base is lacking. In an office environment, the sense of camaraderie and support is far greater. We must recognise this.
Best Moments
‘It’s about feeling able to be yourself’
‘We must make sure that we feel we are able to position ourselves against group norms. That we are able to make mistakes, ask questions and disagree’
‘In this knowledge environment we need to make sure that people feel engaged’
‘This new distance – it can mean that we feel less psychologically safe in our workplace’
About The Host
Lucinda Carney is a Business Psychologist with 15 years in Senior Corporate L&D roles. Lucinda also has a further 10 as CEO of Actus Software where she worked closely with HR colleagues helping them to solve the same challenges across a huge range of industries. Certainly, it was this breadth of experience that inspired Lucinda to set up the HR Uprising community to facilitate greater collaboration across HR professionals in different sectors, helping them to ‘rise up’ together.
“If you look up, you rise up”
Valuable Resources
- Join the HR Uprising LinkedIn Group
- Host of The HR Uprising Podcast, Lucinda Carney, is also the founder and CEO of Actus Software, where you can find additional free HR Resources:
- All free resources:
- Introducing the new Actus Academy: your on-demand e-learning platform!
- Virtual Training Programmes:
- Change Superhero Resources:
- Book: How To Be A Change Superhero – by Lucinda Carney
- Free Change Toolkit:
- The HR Uprising Podcast | Apple | Spotify | Stitcher
Links related to this episode
- HR Zone Magazine article:
- Ultimate Resilience website:
- Supervision for Resilience Service website:
- Link to full article on our model:
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