SMART Objectives – Understand the acronym but do you or others know how to set them?
Almost everyone knows what the acronym SMART stands for. However, when it comes to understanding a ‘SMART objective’ this can be far more challenging!
This Episode: Back to Basics with SMART Objectives
In this weeks’ podcast episode, Lucinda talks about SMART objectives and how we as HR specialists can use them to effectively help our managers. She further supplies practical examples of objectives in use, to test whether they adhere to the SMART formula.
Key Takeaways
- SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Timed.
- SMART is far more than an acronym. It is fully backed by scientific research and has shown to be effective at motivating high performance, as well as beneficial in goal setting and achievement.
- In an ideal world, the candidate will set their own objectives, and these should be agreed with the line manager. Subsequently, on a regular basis, these objectives will be assessed and reviewed.
- Sometimes we measure the things that are easy to measure, rather than the right things. This can directly affect our business performance in the long run.
- Make sure an objective is not only SMART but at the correct level for the person that it pertains to. Make sure it is within their reach to be able to achieve it completely.
- Asking effective questions is key to measuring the success of objectives. A good example of this would be: “If I were your next manager, and didn’t understand your role, would I be able to tell that you have met this objective fully in twelve months time?”
Best Moments
- ‘I believe realistic is the same as achievable’
- ‘We tend to write objectives that are milestones’
- ‘What is the end goal, or output, that you want to achieve here?’
- ‘If you just set SMART objectives and never review them, you’ll never get the full benefit’
Valuable Resources
- Join the HR Uprising Linked In Group here: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13714397/
- You can access additional free HR Resources via the Actus Software website link below. Lucinda Carney is the founder and CEO of Actus Software: https://actus.co.uk/free-performance-management-resources/
- Specific resources on the Actus website relating to this topic:
- Watch the introduction to the podcast here.
About The Host
Lucinda Carney is a Business Psychologist with 15 years in Senior Corporate L&D roles and a further 10 as CEO of Actus Software where she worked closely with HR colleagues helping them to solve the same challenges across a huge range of industries. It was this breadth of experience that inspired Lucinda to set up the HR Uprising community to facilitate greater collaboration across HR professionals in different sectors, helping them to ‘rise up’ together.
“When we look up we rise up”
Contact Method
- Join the HR Uprising LinkedIn community – https://www.linkedin.com/groups/13714397/
- Email: Lucinda@advancechange.co.uk
- LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucindacarney/
- Twitter: @lucindacarney
- Instagram: @hruprising
- Facebook: @hruprising
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