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This Episode: EQ at your fingertips – with Rob Toomey
In this episode ‘EQ at your fingertips’, Lucinda talks to Rob Toomey, the President of TypeCoach about understanding personalities and improving communication within organisations.
Rob discusses how TypeCoach utilises personality frameworks like Myers-Briggs and David Kersey’s temperament model to help individuals navigate relationships in various contexts, including team dynamics, leadership development, and sales interactions, as well as the benefits of understanding personalities, reducing stress, increasing diversity of ideas, and improving retention rates within organisations.
Key Takeaways
- The TypeCoach program focuses on helping individuals understand how to navigate relationships with others in various contexts, such as team dynamics, leadership development, and sales interactions.
- The TypeCoach tool is based on the Myers-Briggs and David Kersey’s temperament model, aiming to provide practical guidance on emotional intelligence and interpersonal communication rather than just self-understanding.
- Proper administration and explanation of personality preferences are crucial to avoid skepticism and misinterpretation of personality assessments like Myers-Briggs.
- TypeCoach offers online tools that allow users to access advice on communication strategies tailored to specific personalities, enhancing workplace relationships and reducing stress.
Best Moments
“So the primary reasons why there are so much skepticism or as I say baggage out there around the Myers-Briggs itself is primarily due to poor administration.”
“This takes a personality tool from being kind of a box ticking thing to do that’s vaguely interesting into something that’s much more practical.”
“The main commercial benefit of introducing this material is helping people understand how to navigate the relationship with the other people around them.
“If you can understand that the other person is not trying to deliberately frustrate or annoy me, they’re just wired differently, we have a higher level of tolerance.”
Valuable Resources
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- New Info-book: Rethinking Performance Appraisals
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- Podcast Episode 231: 9 Secrets of Motivation with Sarah Stones
- Podcast Episode 93: Exploring our Dark Side with Gillian Hyde
About The Guest, Rob Toomey
Rob Toomey, is the President of TypeCoach – a system that combines training and online tools to take the guesswork out of interpersonal communication. It’s emotional intelligence at your fingertips.
The link for the open registration Influence Program(me) with TypeCoach is here:
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To try Typecoach for free, courtesy of Rob and the HR Uprising you can use the following address and email us at for your free access code
Connect with Rob Toomey on LinkedIn
About The Host
Lucinda Carney is a Business Psychologist with 15 years in Senior Corporate L&D roles. Lucinda, for over 10 years as CEO of Actus Software has worked closely with HR colleagues helping them to solve the same challenges across a huge range of industries. Certainly, it was this breadth of experience that inspired Lucinda to set up the HR Uprising community to facilitate greater collaboration across HR professionals in different sectors, helping them to ‘rise up’ together.
“If you look up, you rise up”
How To Be A Change Superhero – by Lucinda Carney
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