This Episode: Investigations Masterclass – with Emma Hogan
Lucinda is joined by employee relations expert Emma Hogan to explore the intricacies of workplace investigations. Emma shares her extensive background in HR, detailing her journey from retail graduate to running her own consultancy specialising in complex investigations.
Together they examine the importance of conducting thorough and empathetic investigations, especially in light of recent legislation aimed at preventing workplace harassment.
Key Takeaways
- Investigations are increasingly critical in organisations due to heightened scrutiny and new legislation, such as the duty to prevent sexual harassment in the workplace. Properly conducted investigations can help organisations avoid legal pitfalls and ensure a fair process.
- While line managers are often tasked with conducting investigations, they may lack the necessary training and time. Organisations should consider having dedicated HR personnel or external experts to handle complex investigations, especially in sensitive cases.
- Maintaining open and transparent communication with employees throughout the investigation process is essential. Regular updates and welfare checks can alleviate anxiety for those involved and ensure they feel supported.
- Providing training for managers and HR personnel on how to conduct investigations is crucial. This training should cover legal aspects, evidence gathering, questioning techniques, and best practices to ensure investigations are thorough and fair.
Best Moments
“I think just a combination probably of a really good judgment in difficult situations… coupled with a degree of empathy. It’s really important that they don’t get forgotten about during the investigation process.”
“Investigations have been in the news in the past couple of years far more than they have been before… where investigations haven’t been done properly.”
“If you’re going to ask your line managers to conduct investigations, you’ve really got to make sure that you’re providing them with some robust training regularly.”
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If you liked this episode, try these
- Podcast Episode 137: How To Run An Investigation – with Vicky Roberts
- Podcast Episode 216: Redundancy With Love – with Jill Aburrow
About The Guest, Emma Hogan
Emma Hogan is founder of EHHR Ltd, a consultancy providing employee relations expertise to organisations requiring specialist support or independent input. With over 25 years’ experience in HR, Emma built her ER expertise working for organisations across a broad spectrum of industries and working environments, many of whom are household names.
Emma is passionate about helping organisations succeed by managing people in the right way, and has extensive experience in investigating and resolving complex, high risk people issues. She is about to launch a new collaborative venture – J&Em Training Ltd, providing employee relations training to managers and HR, where Workplace Investigation training is the core product and ensuring a positive employee experience is key.
Connect with Emma…
Her Email-
About The Host
Lucinda Carney is a Business Psychologist with 15 years in Senior Corporate L&D roles. Lucinda, for over 10 years as CEO of Actus Software has worked closely with HR colleagues helping them to solve the same challenges across a huge range of industries. Certainly, it was this breadth of experience that inspired Lucinda to set up the HR Uprising community to facilitate greater collaboration across HR professionals in different sectors, helping them to ‘rise up’ together.
“If you look up, you rise up”
How To Be A Change Superhero – by Lucinda Carney
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